In previous years Talk with Ms. B. has sponsored a variety of ongoing activities.
RealTalk an interactive live and in person chat session for teens.
SpiritualTalk a Bible study for people who don't want to go to church but want to grow spiritually.
ParentTalk interactive parenting classes designed to guide parents through the maze of parenting.
SisterTalk - (Mom's, Moscato, and Milkshakes) a women only gathering, providing a space for women to laugh, share and briefly rid themselves of the cares of the world
After a few years of inactivity, Talk Ms. B. is rebuilding and will continue to work to enhance the life of young and old.
Our first endeavor is a youth summit to address violence. We notice that violence is rampant in our society and the goal of the summit is to allow youth the opportunity to develop positive solutions to the violence that their age group encounters,
Our Future
We will continue some of the activities that allowed us to have a positive impact on those we served.
Our immediate goal is a summit for teens to discuss Violence; No Violence No More, which will be held 10/8/2022. This virtual summit will allow 6th – 12th -grade students to develop a plan to make a difference in their community that will decrease violence.
Our long-term goal is to work with young adults who age out of the Foster Care system. At 18, a child/young adult is no longer in the care of the state and is too often left to fend for themselves. Our long-term goal is to provide housing and support for these young people.